Arpin Travel has worked with a variety of clients that have different destinations in mind for their vacation travels. Sometimes, we have families who join us with opposing views about where they should go next. We understand how hard it is to choose! We love offering advice for making this decision, and we often suggest a vacation in Africa when these characteristics are mentioned during our initial meeting.
Affordable. South Africa offers great rates and luxuries for vacationers. This means you receive extreme comfort with money left over, which leaves so much room for activities and other adventures for the whole family!
Exploration. From African tours in the Safari to swimming with sharks, Africa offers so many wondrous escapades for families and for the dare devils.
Landscape. Some cannot find the words to describe Africa, but beautiful comes to mind for us. The coastline offers magnificent sunsets (and sunrises!), the Drakensberg Mountains give way to the Central plateau, and Limpopo River valley. Not to mention the exotic animals and wildlife experienced along the way.
Weather. Summer months are warm, while winter months can be cool or bitter depending on the region. Depending on what you desire for weather, you can find a vacation spot that works best for your needs.
If you’re considering an African vacation, book with us! Arpin Travel will help you ever step of this adventure, from booking to finding activities that you will enjoy. Give us a call today at (508) 883-1013 to speak with our travel agents about your options.