Arpin Travel

That time of year is here again and for many, it feels fleeting. Three months isn’t long enough to soak up the sun on the beach or play with your dog in the park in the middle of the day. With summer halfway over, the chilly winds of fall are just over the horizon, but […]

Summer is one of the most exciting times of the year for New Englanders. Finally, they can enjoy the sunshine and have some fun in the sun. While there’s no doubt that there are huge fans of the sun, others prefer cooler temperatures. So, what can they do during a time of the year where […]

Are you looking for exotic vacations this year? You have a couple of options—take a look to decide which is best. Would you rather travel the world on a cruise, or stay on land at an all-inclusive resort? Both a cruise and a resort offer a beautiful getaway where you can relax by a pool […]